lundi 5 octobre 2015

Report: Volkswagen of America’s CEO to be brought in front of Congress and questioned for Dieselgate

Despite the roots of Volkswagen’s major Dieselgate scandal being sourced to the higher-ups at Volkswagen Group in Wolfsburg, it seems Volkswagen’s division in America isn’t immune from the investigation either, especially when you consider Volkswagen of America’s EPA was the first worldly entity to bring the issue to light.

According to the Energy and Commerce Committee via AutomotiveNews, word is Volkswagen of America’s CEO, Michael Horn, is scheduled for a hearing on October 8th as part of the entire investigation of Volkswagen’s emissions scandal.

“There are serious issues raised by reports that Volkswagen installed so-called ‘defeat-devices’ in some of their diesel vehicles to circumvent decades old rules in place to protect public health,” said Tim Murphy (R-PA), chair Rep. for the subcommittee. “The American people want to know why these devices were in place, how the decision was made to install them, and how they went undetected for so long.”

Horn will be heavily scrutinized and questioned to further contribute to the world’s understanding as to why Volkswagen decided to intentionally break the law with their diesel cars.

– By: Chris Chin

Source: Energy and Commerce Committee via Automotive News

Source: egmCarTech

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