jeudi 15 octobre 2015

This 50-lane traffic jam in Beijing is the gridlock of your nightmares

Do you live in a major metropolitan area and think your traffic and gridlock periods are bad?

Well, your woes may have just been topped and your nightmares come true, at least in Beijing, China, where this 50-lane jam makes New York or Los Angeles look like the Nurburgring.

The picture you see above, as well as in those below, are of a recent jam caused by a checkpoint, which caused major bottle-necking on one of China’s busiest expressways. The highway of mention is the G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macau Expressway, which last week, was absolutely inundated by thousands of travelers during one of the busiest tourist events of the year, according to The People’s Daily.

The traffic was supposedly backed up for hours (i.e. days, probably) as millions of tourists made their trips around the most-populous country in the world, for China’s week-long National Day holiday.

Just be happy none of us here in the states have it nearly as bad as this.


– By: Chris Chin

Source: The People’s Daily via USAToday

Source: egmCarTech

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