Auctions: Pick up a legit piece of The Fast and the Furious history by purchasing Jessie’s original 1995 VW Jetta

2015 Barrett-Jackson Auction - The Fast and Furious VW Jetta

Believe it or not, but the original The Fast and the Furious movie came out in 2001 and as a part of that movie, nobody can ever forget about Jessie’s 1995 Volkswagen Jetta. And to make sure you don’t forget about it, an original prop car will be making its way across the block at the Barrett-Jackson auto auction in Scottsdale, Arizona, in January of 2016.

So then, you could buy it for your own collection.

Unfortunately though, you’re just getting a cosmetically updated Jetta, since the 2.0L four-banger engine is reportedly turbocharged, but it only comes with a four-speed automatic. Easily swap-able, but purists would probably whine if you altered it from its original state for being an official prop car for the movie. Further making it a bit more special in its original state is the fact that Chad Lindberg, the actor who played Jessie, plus the film’s director, Rob Cohen, and even the late Paul Walker, all signed this particular prop car.

How much do you think it will sell for?

– By: Chris Chin

Source: Barrett-Jackson

Source: egmCarTech

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