mercredi 9 décembre 2015

Report: Eight US states and five countries agree to pact to ban gas-powered car sales by 2050

2014 Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid D6 R-Design

Despite the major push to relieve our dependence on big oil providing us with gasoline to indulge in our daily petrolhead fixations, if someone were to scream–“THE END IS NIGH FOR GAS POWERED CARS”–we’d still look on from the side in dismissal, knowing that said individual could be out of his or her mind.

Because, on contrary to the popularization of electric vehicles, hybrids, and even the final coming of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles, the most practical alternative propulsion vehicle to mesh the smoothest into the lives of drivers around the world has been the gasoline-powered alternative, the hybrid–meaning, it’s still going to be a while until the gasoline and diesel internal combustion engine becomes obsolete and such chants lead to truth.

Now though, eight US states and five worldly nations agreed to a pact to ban the sale of gas- and diesel-powered cars by 2050. Essentially joining California’s ZEV mandate for zero emissions vehicles (that’s what ZEV basically stands for) only within 35 years, Rhode Island, California, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, and Vermont all announced their plans to intiate a zero emissions vehicles agreement themselves, joining other worldly countries like Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway, and Canada’s Quebec province.

The plans are predicated on the basis of discussions at the recent Untied Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris, especially when President Obama’s call for one million electric vehicles on the road by now, has been fulfilled since being announced four years ago. So things aren’t quite going as planned and it seems some are beginning to take more drastic governmental measures to further push for a car emissions-free world.

Think they can make it happen?

– By: Chris Chin

Source: CARandDRIVER

Source: egmCarTech

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