2016 Beijing: Audi’s “connected mobility concept” comes with an electrified longboard

2016 Beijing - Audi Q3 Connected Mobility Concept

Audi’s doing all sorts of things at the moment, from trying to boost their EV and hybrid options, to autonomous tech and now, car-to-car communications.

Ingolstadt’s latest concept isn’t so much an actual car, but a technological concept, that begins with an Audi Q3 and a longboard. But it’s not just any longboard, but an electrified “multifunction” longboard…whatever that means.

Ok what does it mean?

It means this Audi Q3 “connected mobility concept” comes with a longboard that’s electrically powered so it can reach 18.6 MPH on its own power. There are even retractable handlebars to make it a scooter. The distance is rated to up to 7.4 miles.

That longboard can be stored inside the rear fender in a James Bond-like sliding compartment, where the board can also be charged. Mind you, the clever bit is that there’s not much deviation from a rather typical Audi Q3 crossover because it disappears into the rear bumper like it never happened. Witchcraft, I tell ya!

But wait! It even gets more clever as the longboard is also wirelessly synced with one’s smartphone and the Q3’s onboard infotainment stack. It links up to your calendar and then syncs with your phone, so your car knows when your next appointment is, and it also factors in real-time traffic data and weather to determine whether or not it’s faster to drive or use that slick longboard.

The system can also figure out the most time-efficient way for you to commute by finding a parking spot that’s within a doable range for the longboard.

Though Audi hasn’t hinted at any inclination as to whether or not this concept here will reach production.

– By: Chris Chin

Source: egmCarTech http://bit.ly/1VALFbV

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