BREAKING: Chris Evans announces his resignation from Top Gear UK, everything comes crashing

Well that was quick. After only one season worth of episodes, BBC Top Gear’s newest host, Chris Evans, announced his decision to throw in the towel.

“Stepping down from Top Gear. Gave it my best shot but sometimes that’s not enough. The team are beyond brilliant, I wish them all the best,” Evans Tweeted on his official page.

As you’d expect, the majority of the extremely critical press and fan base were rather happy of Evan’s departure, but are you one to think that Chris Evans may have perhaps given up too quick?

We think so. But that’s not all that’s coming to light with Evans’ story as some perverse allegations have surfaced for sexual harassment involving Evans and a coworker in the early 1990s.

Talk about getting salt rubbed in a wound.

This isn’t the first time Top Gear’s reboot since 2002 had a change in hosts. When it first began with Jeremy Clarkson at the helm, he was assisted by Richard Hammond and a bloke named Jason Dawe. Dawe was later replaced in the second season by a man who was strangely inexperienced with driving fast: Mr. Captain Slow, James May!

In other words, it obviously took more than one season for the 2002 reboot of Top Gear to really find its niche and become the show that we’ve all been enchanted by over the past decade and beyond.

Top Gear America, although equally met with critical reception for being a weak knock-off of the original UK-based show, still meshed into being a half-decent car-based program that you could watch on US cable television. There was hardly anything better on US networks. Top Gear American even endured a tough first season, but they prevailed for an additional five.

But after one solitary season, and the lowest viewer ratings the program has ever seen, Evans’ resignation was met with lots of praise and sadness equally. Those who know Evans believe he gave it his all, but the pressure simply was too much for him.

Let’s be honest, it’s not easy filling the shoes of the perceived automotive equivalent to God. But at the same time, it also doesn’t help to have a supposed sexual harassment.

Speaking of which, Evans is supposedly under investigation for harassment involving a coworker that dates back to the 1990s, but it is currently only an investigation.

As for what lies ahead for Evans in the show biz world, he later tweeted that he looks forward to returning to Radio 2, CarFest, and more, following his resignation announcement.

– By: Chris Chin

Source: The Telegraph, HeatStreet



Source: egmCarTech

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