mercredi 20 juillet 2016

Report: Former host of Top Gear, Chris Evans shares thoughts on stepping down

It was a pretty significant event to see former Top Gear UK host, Chris Evans, immediately resign from his position right at the conclusion of the first season following a reboot with a new cast.

The event itself is pretty straightforward. After Top Gear experienced its lowest viewership and ratings ever, Evans apparently just gave into the pressure and decided to no longer be the main host of the show.

But it wasn’t until now that Evans shared his thoughts on the matter.

In his latest column on the Daily Mail, he simply admitted that it didn’t work out, but his whole experience was a humbling “honour, privilege, and a pleasure.”

On top of his confession, Evans followed with talking up co-host Matt LeBlanc, saying “he and Top Gear were made for each other.”

You can read the rest of Evans’ confession, here.

– By: Chris Chin

Source: Daily Mail

Source: egmCarTech

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