vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Video: Flashback Friday – Watch a young Dustin Hoffman be a pitchman for Volkswagen

Television ad spots for automakers can be a hit or miss these days.

But one thing’s for sure, nothing beats the nostalgia of seeing some old car ads in hindsight, especially when they feature some big-name Hollywood stars who were just finding ways to continue perpetuating their time on screen.

Like this recent one that stumbled onto one of my feeds, featuring a young Dustin Hoffman, posing as a pitchman for the Volkswagen Type 3 1600.

It may not feature any eye-catching CGI or some funny puns and witty lessons, but it’s amazing to see a young Mr. Hoffman exude his familiar acting persona just to showcase one of Volkswagen’s historically most popular models ever made.

Watch it after the jump if you need a quick distraction from your Friday grind.

Source: YouTube

Source: egmCarTech

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