jeudi 5 mai 2016

Revolting: North Carolina tow truck driver refuses to help someone because she was a Bernie Sanders supporter w/ video

As if the effects of this year’s POTUS election season and all the BS happening from the ever-so-heated battle for the fight to run this country, weren’t enough already to make all of us want to bash our heads into walls…

Today’s ridiculousness comes from, surprise surprise, North Carolina, where the state is already suffering the backlash from their recent legislation involving transgender people and bathrooms…But to keep from going off-tangent, another polarizing and dividing event happened, involving a tow truck driver and a disabled woman in need of help. I bet you can see where this is going.

The story, as reported by The Washington Times, and local FOX affiliate, Carolina 21, goes like this: Cassandra McWade of Traveler’s Rest, South Carolina, was traveling through North Carolina when her Toyota Camry was involved in a collision with a tractor trailer. Her car was only slightly damaged and she experienced no injuries, but it failed to start, so she called for a tow. To make the situation a little more fragile, McWade suffers from some chronic conditions and is a disabled individual.

That’s when Ken Shupe, the owner of Shupee Max Towing, was summoned to answer the call for help, keywords, call for help. And alas, here comes the cringeworthy, facepalm of an event: when Shupe arrived to help McWade, he flat out denied her his assistance, simply because she openly admitted to being a Bernie Sanders supporter, particularly when Shupe noticed her Camry was festooned with a couple of Sanders stickers.

Talk about a class-act….

Shupe apparently, flat-out, told McWade to her face, that he won’t be helping her because she was a Sanders supporter and “obviously a Socialist.”

It still even gets better. To close out the conversation, Shupe even remarked, “call the government for a tow.” He then proceeded to leave the scene and McWade behind.

“Something came over me,” Shupe told The Washington Times. “I think the Lord came to me, and he just said ‘Get in the truck and leave.’ And when I got in my truck, you know, I was so proud.”

Yea, so proud of being a total douchebag. Maybe Mr. Shupe should look to Officer Leroy Smith of South Carolina for inspiration on how to set differences aside to help those in need. Smith went viral after he assisted a KKK supporter suffering from a heat stroke during a rally. For the record, Smith is black and the KKK supporter, obviously was not.

McWade’s experience went so viral that it eventually caught the attention of some lawyers who wish they could be of help, but simply put one of them said that no laws were technically broken.

“We may not like it,” said the attorney from Greenville, NC, who spoke anonymously,”…and we may not agree with it, but I don’t believe any laws were broken. As long as there is no contract between the driver and the tow-truck company then there is no legal obligation for the tow-truck company to pick her up.”

But that still doesn’t make this ridiculousness excusable…

– By: Chris Chin

Source: FOX Caroline 21, The Washington Times via AutoBlog

Source: egmCarTech

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